My Biological mother - Kerala; my foster mother - Andhra

I came back to Hyderabad today from Kerala with lots of banana chips and black halwa, eager to tell all about Kerala, little did I realise was that I didnt know whether to say I went home (naade) or I went for a vacation. And therefore the origin of this post.

I have had 2 main weaknesses in life, sports and language. The former I had sporadic trysts with and the latter I indulge in when the situation demands it from me. I speak English fluently and I would be an above average in India and may be satisfactory in countries where English is the most widely spoken language. I have always been cautious with Hindi and my Telugu would be a 3 on ten, but I can get across the message and understand it very well. Malyalam has always been troublesome for me.

I come from a mixed background being 75% malyalee and 25% goan-portuguese. But we decided we wanted to be Malyalees because it is what we could identify with. For the record, I am a loyal Malyalee (if there is something like that), always supporting Malyalees and sharing the joys of having Sreesanth(sometimes) on the Indian cricket team or Anju Bobby George or seeing a well made Malyalam movie that bags an award or a Malyalee doing well somewhere in the world. But what always drew me to being a Malyalee is the deep culture that is so rich. I love the various traditions and festivals that really are celebrated even today.

In one way I have to thank industrialisation for internal migration otherwise I wouldnt have got to enjoy 2 cultures. The Telugu literature and culture is so deep rooted and with one of the oldest and most elaborate literary history and on the other end I have access to knowledge about the most deep and active literary history of Kerala.

So while others blame modernity for loss of culture all I can do is thank both my native places for giving me sneham and bhojanam( a clear indication of my language skills) and giving me a chance to see and enjoy 2 different worlds. From the gongurra chutney to the pottu and Kadla to the sorpotel and pork vindaloo (which I happen to cook well) I thank the economy, my parents and these states for giving me a world of cocktails.

Warning: First blog! - so it may reflect my lack of direction.


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